Hi everyone,
Hope you’re all having a blessed 2024 and that you’re enjoying this beautiful summer.
I am writing to inform you that this winter we will be welcoming another baby boy to our family. From mid-June, I will be commencing maternity leave for approximately 4 and a half months to rest and welcome our wee little one. I will return in November on a half day/part time basis which will gradually increase back to my normal hours early 2025.
I will have limited appointments available from now and over the next few months, so please get in touch if you have outstanding treatment that you wish to have completed before I take a rest.
During my absence, I have confidence in the capable hands of Lance and Rusin, who will be overseeing the practice and look after my patients. Dr Lance, my husband along with my orthodontic auxiliary nurses Mia and Estella will be looking after those undergoing fixed braces, Invisalign or plates. They will be given an individual plan for each of you to know exactly what to do at each adjustment visit. During my leave, you may see them for 2 or 3 appointments (every 6-8 weeks) until I see you again when I am back.
Should you have any concerns during this period, please do not hesitate to contact our clinic. Your care remains our top priority and we are committed to ensuring a seamless transition during my leave- almost as if I never left!
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support and trust in our practice. It has been a privilege to get to know you and your families, and I look forward to connecting with you all again upon my return.
Warm regards,
Dr Inah Mundy

To make a booking or for more information about any of our products or services, please contact us:
09 410 0042